Brassington Primary School

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School Hill, Brassington, Derbyshire, DE4 4HB

01629 540 212

Brassington Primary School

Opening our eyes to find meaningful happiness – learning, achieving and growing together as a family

Sports Calendar

At Brassington we take part in a wide range of school and cluster sports events.

Weekly swimming lessons for R, Y1 & 2

Weekly lunchtime sports club and afterschool club with primary stars.

Weekly afterschool football club

Y4 & 5 Orienteering at Alfreton Cricket Club

Y5/6 Tag Rugby at Anthony Gell 

Y3 & 4 Orienteering Championships at Shipley Park

Y5/6 boys SSP Soccer Finals at Highfields Upper School

Whole School Cross Country at Anthony Gell

FS/KS1 ABC Festival at Anthony Gell

KS2 Girls Football at Anthony Gell

Reception Balance-ability

Y6 Bikeability

KS2 Girls Football

Y4 & 5 Sailing  - 5 afternoons in summer term

Kwik Cricket Primary Stars Event at Parwich

Sports Night